Presently SWP is delivering professional grade Linux and related Open Source Software (OSS) technology training and consultant service in Hong Kong. Please note that if you wish to find a 'Computer Dictionary' then see the 'Computer Dictionary Project' at Searchable databases exist at locations such as: (SWP) Sun Wah-PearL Linux Training and Development Centre is a centre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, established in 2000.
At this moment in time half yearly updates are being envisaged. We welcome input into the content of this document. Due to the rapid rate at which new terms are being created it has been decided that this will be an active project. At approximately 24000 definitions and two thousand pages it is one of the largest Linux related dictionaries currently available.
This document is designed to be a resource for those Linux users wishing to seek clarification on Linux/UNIX/POSIX related terms and jargon.