Alternatively, a focus on decreasing unemployment also increases inflation, and vice versa. Increasing inflation decreases unemployment, and vice versa. You will be glad you did it- next Spring. The inverse relationship between unemployment and inflation is depicted as a downward sloping, concave curve, with inflation on the Y-axis and unemployment on the X-axis. life, will be, ' Lo, the mites are upon us ' For hot, sultry days are. The concept behind the Phillips curve states the change in unemployment within an economy has a predictable effect on price inflation. Understanding the Phillips curve in light of consumer and worker expectations shows that the relationship between inflation and unemployment may not hold in the long run, or even potentially in the short run.The Phillips curve was a concept used to guide macroeconomic policy in the 20th century, but was called into question by the stagflation of the 1970s.Higher inflation is associated with lower unemployment and vice versa. Eating for Life by Bill Phillips is a companion book of recipes to the Body-for-LIFE program. With more than four million copies sold and over. His Program for renewing physical and mental strength is shared in the 1 New York Times bestselling book Body-for-LIFE. The Phillips curve states that inflation and unemployment have an inverse relationship. About the author (2003) Bill Phillips, 38, has helped hundreds of thousands of people, from all walks of life, build leaner, stronger bodies and enjoy healthier, happier lives.